Just a quick blog tonight it is 21.55, I’m in bed, the boys are sleeping – we have reached Queenborough. We are on a mooring, with a very noisy French boat next to us, but we can gain our revenge tomorrow as we are slipping out mooring at 3am ready to head for our very last stint – to St Katharines Dock in the heart of London Town!
I’m skippering this final journey, and have 6 charts to work from in total, for what is only a 42 mile trip. It is total pilotage, and I have a long list of buoys to head towards (not many women my age can say that after all!)
Anyway, let me tell you about today. I have had a lazy day today as the boys have brought us from Harwich.
- Dawn over Harwich
I spent most of the day in front of my laptop, making folders for them to put onto memory stick. It includes the photographs – I have taken nearly six thousand photographs during this trip, as well as copy of the whole blog – its sixty thousand words long! My oh my, don’t I chat!
Strictly speaking, we have completed our Round Britain Experience, as we were in Queenborough after our very first night – so our return to London is an extra!
My daughter Francesca and her friend Dot waved us off in July, and they have both promised to be there to wave us back in again tomorrow morning!
I really ought to be asleep now so I can be bright eyed and bushy tailed at 2.30am when I’m waking the boys up – so goodnight!